EONS v2.0 - List of functions and variables

List of variables and mathematical expressions available in E.O.N.S.:

Note: This list is temporary. It will be updated as soon as other variables and methods will be added to E.O.N.S. parsing module.

List of variables:

  • Vm: Potential applied on the system at any given moment. This value depends on the parameters entered in the depolarization characteristics of the simulation panel (in millivolts).

  • simTime: current time of the simulation (in milliseconds).

  • simStep: current step of the simulation.

List of methods:

inject gauss

FEM (“meshFile”,initConc. , DiffCoeff. )
Calculation of the diffusion in a mesh.
meshName = FEM (“meshFile”, 0.001 , 220000 )
"Meshfile": name of the meshfile in the database
initConc: initial concentration of the element to be diffused in the mesh (in mM.)
DiffCoeff: diffusion coefficient in nm2 / msec.

FEM_Vis(“meshFile”,initConc. , DiffCoeff., lowC, highC )
Calculation of the diffusion in a mesh with real-time visualization.
meshName = FEM_Vis (“meshFile”, 0.001 , 220000, 0.001, 100 )
"Meshfile": Name of the meshfile in the database
initConc: Initial concentration of the element to be diffused in the mesh (in mM.)
DiffCoeff: Diffusion coefficient in nm2 / msec.
lowC: Lowest concentration to be displayed in dark blue (in mM.)
highC: Highest concentration that will be displayed in red (in mM.)

tempInject (meshName, (int) position, input, start, duration)
Simulation of the temporary injection of molecules (increase in concentration). The injection affects the vector meshName at the position specified; the value is also stored in the variable 'injected'.
injected = tempInject (meshName, 14, addedValue, 1.0 , 0.5)
meshName: Name of the mesh variable (associated to the mesh).
position:Node number at which the injection takes place.
input:Increase of concentration (in mM.)
start:Time when the injection starts (in msec.).
duration:How long the injection lasts (in msec.).

inject (meshName, (int) position, input)
Simulation of injection of molecules throughout the simulation (increase in concentration). The injection affects the vector meshName at the position specified; the value is also stored in the variable 'injected'.
injected = inject (meshName, 14, addedValue)
meshName: Name of the mesh variable (associated to the mesh).
position:Node number at which the injection takes place.
input:Increase of concentration (in mM.)

record (meshName, (int) position)
Record one value out in an entire matrix. In the example below, the value recorded at position 12 of the mesh called 'meshName' is stored in the variable 'record12'.
record12 = record (meshName, 12)
meshName: Name of the mesh variable (associated to the mesh).
position:Node number at which the simulated recording electrode is located.

diff( h , step , A , B)
Solves a differential equation.
differential equation in EONS
dx = diff (x, 0.01, 3, Vm)
h: Variable on which the derivative is being calculated.
step:Time step duration (in msec.).
A:Term in (A.h + B).
B:Term in (A.h + B).

gauss( x , sigma , x0)
Returns a gaussian curve.
Gaussian equation in EONS
fx = gauss (x, 1, 10)
x: Variable on which the function depends.
sigma:Width of the curve.
x0:Center of the gaussian.

This page was last updated on Apr. 11, 2006.