EONS v2.0 - List of functions and variables
List of variables and mathematical expressions available in E.O.N.S.:
Note: This list is temporary. It will be updated as soon as other variables and methods will be added to E.O.N.S. parsing module.
List of variables:
- Vm: Potential applied on the system at any given moment. This value depends on the parameters entered in the depolarization characteristics of the simulation panel (in millivolts).
- simTime: current time of the simulation (in milliseconds).
- simStep: current step of the simulation.
List of methods:
FEM (“meshFile”,initConc. , DiffCoeff. ) |
| Description: |
| Calculation of the diffusion in a mesh.
Syntax: meshName = FEM (“meshFile”, 0.001 , 220000 ) |
Variables: |
| "Meshfile": | name of the meshfile in the database |
initConc: | initial concentration of the element to be diffused in the mesh (in mM.) |
DiffCoeff: | diffusion coefficient in nm2 / msec. |
FEM_Vis(“meshFile”,initConc. , DiffCoeff., lowC, highC ) |
| Description: |
| Calculation of the diffusion in a mesh with real-time visualization.
Syntax: meshName = FEM_Vis (“meshFile”, 0.001 , 220000, 0.001, 100 ) |
Variables: |
| "Meshfile": | Name of the meshfile in the database |
initConc: | Initial concentration of the element to be diffused in the mesh (in mM.) |
DiffCoeff: | Diffusion coefficient in nm2 / msec. |
lowC: | Lowest concentration to be displayed in dark blue (in mM.) |
highC: | Highest concentration that will be displayed in red (in mM.) |
tempInject (meshName, (int) position, input, start, duration) |
| Description: |
| Simulation of the temporary injection of molecules (increase in concentration). The injection affects the vector meshName at the position specified; the value is also stored in the variable 'injected'.
Syntax: injected = tempInject (meshName, 14, addedValue, 1.0 , 0.5) |
Variables: |
| meshName: | Name of the mesh variable (associated to the mesh). |
position: | Node number at which the injection takes place. |
input: | Increase of concentration (in mM.) |
start: | Time when the injection starts (in msec.). |
duration: | How long the injection lasts (in msec.). |
inject (meshName, (int) position, input) |
| Description: |
| Simulation of injection of molecules throughout the simulation (increase in concentration). The injection affects the vector meshName at the position specified; the value is also stored in the variable 'injected'.
Syntax: injected = inject (meshName, 14, addedValue) |
Variables: |
| meshName: | Name of the mesh variable (associated to the mesh). |
position: | Node number at which the injection takes place. |
input: | Increase of concentration (in mM.) |
record (meshName, (int) position) |
| Description: |
| Record one value out in an entire matrix. In the example below, the value recorded at position 12 of the mesh called 'meshName' is stored in the variable 'record12'.
Syntax: record12 = record (meshName, 12) |
Variables: |
| meshName: | Name of the mesh variable (associated to the mesh). |
position: | Node number at which the simulated recording electrode is located. |
diff( h , step , A , B) |
| Description: |
| Solves a differential equation.
Syntax: dx = diff (x, 0.01, 3, Vm) |
Variables: |
| h: | Variable on which the derivative is being calculated. |
step: | Time step duration (in msec.). |
A: | Term in (A.h + B). |
B: | Term in (A.h + B). |
gauss( x , sigma , x0) |
| Description: |
| Returns a gaussian curve.
Syntax: fx = gauss (x, 1, 10) |
Variables: |
| x: | Variable on which the function depends. |
sigma: | Width of the curve. |
x0: | Center of the gaussian. |
This page was last updated on Apr. 11, 2006.